On this page we try to least all the Modules that matukio has.

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Thank you for stopping by Compojoom's demo site. We have been working hard bringing you the latest in technology for our components and your Joomla site. At any given time we are always adding more and more features. We keep our demo site updated with the most recent version of our components, and this gives you the chance to experience the latest features to see how your Joomla site will work with the component running. One of our main focuses is making our components work with virtually all Joomla sites. As we all know this is extremely impossible due to all the different variables that are involved with any given site. But that does not mean we stop there. We offer the highest quality customer support to make sure what ever issue if you run into one is taken care of efficiently and in a timely manner. We thank you for your support here at Compojoom and look forward to serving you.

Kind Regards,
Daniel Dimitrov
Lead Developer - www.compojoom.com


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You have a comment to make? Make it today!

CompojoomComment a very simple, flexible, ease of use with great integration with 3rd party component, comment importing from numerous extensions including Disqus, and great templates for that professional look your organization is going after.



  • Top of the line Documentation & Support
    • Our subscribers get comprehensive documentation, fast and competent support!
  • Ajax-based
    • Comments are added on the fly without reloading the web page saving your server bandwidth and making you look cool cutting edge with the latest technology.
  • Spam protection
    • Beside our standard captcha image, BanIP and Censorship features we've now integrated Akismet and Recaptcha.
  • Tightly integrated in JomSocial
    • You can use JomSocial's features such as User Points and Activity Stream. You can also use the comment system as a wall application in JomSocial.

    More Features about CompojoomComments for Joomla

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